Panels 6-10

Panel 6: Chinese Language and Chineseness


Bilingualism for Everyone? Chinese Bilingual Program Debates in Metro Vancouver

Ai Mizuta

The UniversIty of British Columbia

Within the complex context of English language dominance and multiculturalism policy, Chinese language education is at a remarkable moment in Vancouver where history, politics and the economy are intertwined with demographic changes. Despite the long history of Chinese immigration in British Columbia, it was not until recently that the school boards introduced early start Chinese bilingual programs in Metro Vancouver. However, there has been a large gap in responsiveness of school boards to English-speaking households in contrast to Chinese-speaking households.

This paper examines the discourse of parents’ group that advocated for English speakers only program, public debates, the program policies, as well as parents’ narratives from both English and Chinese speaking background regarding Chinese language education in Vancouver.

The analysis reveals the desirability of Mandarin language use as an added value for English speakers, creating an idealized bilingual Mandarin/English speaker whose mother tongue is English. However, at the same time, they carefully excluded from the proposed program any kindergarten age children whose mother tongue is Mandarin.

The parents group even positions Mandarin speakers as the other to whom their children will speak, but outcasts from their program as those who should learn English only, and those who should learn Chinese at heritage language schools. However, the narratives of Chinese speaking parents show their struggles in raising their children with Chinese fluency through the existing system such as heritage language schools. Although this double tongued discourse that idealizes multilingualism for English speakers while simultaneously devaluing the multilingualism of ESL speakers has been a common discursive feature in the debates about heritage language education in Canada (Cummins, 1996; Cummins & Danesi, 1990), the target language being Chinese adds further complexity to this discourse in Vancouver.

Vancouver, a city that was built both upon white supremacy and a long history of Chinese immigration (Roy, 1989), is now experiencing the increasing importance of the economy of China as well as Chinese culture and language. The challenge of adjustment to the new economic and sociopolitical reality and aspirations to become the Asia-Pacific Gateway of North America, however, is confounded by a colonial legacy that is still ubiquitous in today’s Vancouver (Stanley, 2009). Chinese language education is a particularly revealing site where we can see the conflict between past and future. It is crucial to understand today’s issues regarding Chinese language education as part of the historical patterns of Chinese Canadians and bilingual education in Canada.


The “Intent” of Mandarin Bilingual Programs in the Public Schools of British Columbia: A Discourse Analysis in the Context of Ethnic Chinese Immigrants’ Heritage Language Maintenance

Caroline Locher-Lo 羅仲萱

The University of British Columbia

This paper intends to explore the intent of the Mandarin Bilingual Programs implemented in many school districts around British Columbia (B.C.).

In the past decades, Canada has witnessed a growing public awareness of multiculturalism, a trend towards globalization, and the reversal of East and West power relations. However, aside from the dominant language programs i.e. French Immersion, few minority language programs, such as Mandarin Bilingual Program and Mandarin Immersion Program, have emerged in the Vancouver, Burnaby and Coquitlam School Districts of British Columbia since September 2010 (School District 39, 41 and 43 official websites).

Despite the encouraging tendency towards newly developed Mandarin Programs in an English dominant culture, the language used to articulate the program details on the official school websites raises questions on their intentions for establishing such programs. One may wonder whether or not establishing Mandarin Bilingual and Immersion Programs has to do with governmental assistance, enhancement or support for ethnic Chinese immigrants in maintaining their heritage language in the dominant culture of a contemporary and multicultural society such as B.C. This paper will analyze the wording, phrases, and graphics of the official information on the Mandarin Immersion Programs online and in print. It may shed light on the intent and intended learners of Mandarin Programs in British Columbia.

To provide the readers with a broader comprehension and appreciation of the paper’s “plot”, the article will set up the “theme” with a historical background of immigrants’ efforts and struggles to maintain their heritage languages in the midst of the dominant culture’s assimilation process. The recent immigrant wave, demographic makeup of Western Canada, economic significance of infused Chinese populations in British Columbia, and the B.C. China Agreement in 2008, which brought free mandarin courses to public schools, will also be addressed.


Who Speaks for China? Translating Geopolitics Through Language Institutes in Costa Rica

Monica Dehart

University of Puget Sound

In 2004, Ilien Kuo, a Taiwanese-born, U.S.-educated Costa Rican founded a Chinese language academy in San Jose, Costa Rica in response to a growing interest in Chinese language and culture by a Costa Rican business class synced to the pulse of the global economy.  Given her mainly foreign clientele, she named her school the “Confucian Institute” in honor of what she described as the “most well-known figure in China.”  However, these Costa Rican professionals were not the only ones to recognize China’s rising economic importance and, in 2007, Costa Rica became the only Central American nation to break its longstanding political alliance with Taiwan to establish diplomatic relations with the Peoples’ Republic of China.  One of the fruits of that new relationship was China’s installation of a state-sponsored Confucian Institute at the University of Costa Rica.  A protracted legal battle ensued over who could claim rights to the title of “Confucian Institute”—the private school owned by a diasporic businesswoman with roots in Taiwan or the Chinese state-sponsored institute supported by Beijing. While the Chinese state eventually triumphed, forcing Ms. Kuo to rename her language academy, this case provides a provocative example of how debates over language can index a shifting geopolitics and its impact on the relationship between the Chinese state and overseas Chinese.  In particular, it highlights the growing importance of standard Mandarin Chinese (putonghua 普通话) as a valued cultural commodity among both native Costa Ricans and diasporic Chinese communities within Central America, despite the ongoing prominence of Cantonese as the vernacular language of the Chinese communities there. While the increasing value of putonghua can be linked to opportunities for economic and symbolic capital increasingly associated with mainland China, this paper explores how this changing geopolitics has impacted the competing forms of authority mobilized to legitimize Chinese language and cultural instruction in Costa Rica.  Specifically, I explore how gender, class, and generational differences structure who can legitimately translate Chinese identity and cultural capital into linguistic authority and, thereby, speak on behalf of Chineseness in Costa Rica.


Why There is no Cantonese in Taiwan?  

Chih-I Liao

Monash University

Cantonese is the majority language in Hong Kong, it is lingua franca in Guangdong Province and its neighbouring regions.  Cantonese is also the common language in the Chinese communities across Southeast Asia. Sim (2012) indicated that the rise of the Hong Kong entertainment industry in the mid-1970s attracted more Cantonese speakers from the Malaysian Chinese communities. Other minor Chinese dialects exist, for example in Kuala Lumpur but these appear to shift to Cantonese or Mandarin after language realignment (Wang, 2010). The Australia Bureau of Statistics listed the top ten languages spoken at home in 2011: Cantonese ranked fifth after English, Mandarin, Arabic and Italian. In 2011 in Canada there were nearly 300,000 Canadian residents who reported Cantonese as their mother tongue. In other words, not only in southeast China but also across international Chinese diasporic communities Cantonese dominates.

In Taiwan, three Chinese languages are widely spoken: Mandarin, Hokkien and Hakka. Mandarin has been nominated as the national and education language since 1945, Hokkien and Hakka are the heritage languages used by Hokkien and Hakka ethnic group respectively (Yah, Chan and Cheng, 2004). Hokkien and Hakka people are mostly from Guangdong province of China, which is the main area where Cantonese is spoken. Historically the earliest Chinese immigrants to Taiwan were Cantonese, Hokkien, and Hakka, however, in modern Taiwan, the Cantonese language no longer survives.

This study covers two issues: (1) the history of Cantonese immigration (2) the factors influencing Cantonese language shift. The themes identified included the influence of the population of each group, the mass media and the language policy in Taiwan. This study will employ ethnographic linguistic methodology which takes an epistemological position broadly aligned with a social constructivist and post-structuralist approach by critiquing essentialist accounts of social life (Creese, 2008; Rampton, 2007).


Who Needs Cantonese? Who Speaks? A Migratory Perspective From 粵北(Northern Guangdong)

Yao Xiao

The University of British Columbia

I write this paper to ask critically, and to evoke reflexive ways of answering, the two questions as the title suggests, especially about the political consciousness, identification, and strategic uses of Cantonese-ness. From a Cantonese-Hakka family with deep roots and still living in rural mountainous regions of 粵北(northern Guangdong) yet imbricated in a migration history with extended relatives in Guangzhou, Hong Kong, Australia, USA, I commit a perspective to give voices, which are ambivalent (Bhabha, 1994) yet different from the often centring voices of Pearl River Delta Cantonese, Hong Kong Cantonese, and diasporic Cantonese in developed, industrialized countries. This perspective is migratory because it traces my routes, movements, and experiences of Cantonese-ness, from farming villages, towns, and industrial cities in Guangdong, China, to a privileged, globalized city of Vancouver in Canada. This perspective is from粵北 northern Guangdong, where I was born and grew up until I had the opportunities to receive more education in Pearl River Delta and further in Canada. There in粵北, I lived with my family in inland mountainous areas, with a substantial mix of non-Han Chinese population, with different mixing of Cantonese, Hakka, and other languages. There in粵北, I witnessed real issues of poverty, corruption, and urbanization pressures. This migratory perspective is not just of but from 粵北, which means a spatial analysis of connections, tensions, and changes across regional and national borders, beyond the fixity of particular local contexts (Ang, 1993, 2001; Ong, 1999; Ong & Nonini, 1997), and at the same time with a cultural analysis of deep affective experiences and structures of feeling (Ahmed, 2004; Williams, 1961, 1973). Who needs Cantonese? Who speaks? I approach the questions and support this migratory perspective with a mix of resources, voices, and experiences. First, my personal, lived relationships to the uneven receiving, making, and articulating of Cantonese-ness, through my migratory experiences, through written, told, and shared family stories, and through my own witnessing of material unevenness and injustice, such as the exotic tourism and development of lands in a small Cantonese town in northern Guangdong with patrons and investors from Pearl River Delta cities, Hong Kong, and even overseas Cantonese. Second, the intellectualized aspect of Cantonese issues, based on two different research projects – one about the lived experience of migrant workers’ children in Guangzhou and Shenzhen, in the Pearl River Delta of Guangdong, another about the life histories of community activists with Hong Kong Cantonese backgrounds, in the suburban Vancouver of Richmond. Third, the community praxis based on my involvement in Guangdong as well as Vancouver. Especially in issues around urbanization, Chinatown housing, intergenerational interactions, and intercultural communication, this community aspect shows the contrasts, changes, and tensions in the mix of naming, silencing, and articulating of Cantonese-ness in grassroots contexts and around social justice issues.

Panel 7: 语言,认同,文学及艺术/Language, Identities, Literature and the Arts



Ai Boay Tan 陳愛梅





Ying-ying Chien 簡瑛瑛

Ethan Lin 林昱辰


本文試圖從不同地緣從事數位藝術創作的華人女性藝術家以及她們的數位藝術作品探討華人數位女性主義的人文關懷與發展,其中包括被譽為「華人錄像藝術之母」,活躍於西方藝壇的洪素真、常年運用網路科技媒體探討性別政治與虛擬感知的台美藝術家鄭淑麗(Cheang Shu-lea)、於香港城市大學擔任教職的藝術家文晶瑩(Phoebe Man),以及被媒體視為中國青年文化、及次文化代表的曹斐為代表。




Bing Wang 王兵





Nanchuan Zheng 郑南川





Yue Pan 潘玥


“土生印欧人”(Orang Indo)的历史最早可追溯至1596年,是指那些欧洲白人父亲与印尼亚裔母亲结合所生的孩子。他们的母亲称为“姨娘”(Nyai)。他们在社会中处于一个“不上不下”的尴尬地位,既不被纯种白人认可,原住民社会又把他们视之为比自己地位高的“欧洲人”而疏远他们。他们对白人社会充满了“疏离感”,但绝大多数土生印欧人又希望挤进“欧洲人”的行列,避免社会不公。长期被歧视的社会现实以及他们纠结的自我认同,造成了他们矛盾和特殊的文化心态。于是,兴起了土生印欧人文学。其中,以“姨娘文学”最有代表性。而戈墨尔(H·Kommer)的《孔红娘夫人》(Njonja Kong Hong Nio)是其中最特别、最值得研究的文本。《孔红娘夫人》改编自真人真事,属于为数不多获得合法婚姻关系的华人“姨娘”。小说对孔红娘性格和心理的刻画,展现了当时的社会矛盾,也从一个侧面反映了印尼华人女性的生存状态与身份认同。印尼华人女性的善良与坚强,与原住民的贪婪和狡猾,形成了鲜明的对比。这也产生了一个问题,印尼华人女性是应该“同流合污”以融入社会,还是坚持自我而被疏离?这是本文尝试回答的主要问题。

Panel 8: 社会发展与身份建构/Social Development and Identity Construction



Yong Fang 方勇





Shaocong Zeng 曾少聪

Li Shanlong 李善龙





Xi Chen 陈希







Xiulei Hu 胡修雷








Panel 9: 网络与跨境/Networks and Bordercrossing



Yanchun Jing 景燕春





Yi Wang 王祎





Shi Shiang Teo 張斯翔


本文首先就現今「馬華族群」是否還在離散提出疑問,並對晚近幾種論述進行梳理與對話。同時於討論中以史書美先生的「定居殖民主義」(settlement colonies)與王德威先生的「後遺民」(post-loyalism)概念,來進一步審視馬華族群在二十世紀後半期如何在馬來西亞面對「游離」(Floating)的身分處境。由此論述開始,「游離」的馬華族群作為方法,本文後半部試圖從馬來之眼(Eye of Malay)的視角出發,脫離馬華族群論述自身時常用的「感時憂族」基調,通過解讀五一三及茅草行動,以檢視「馬來西亞華人」作為被「製造」的產物,如何通過國族論述、政治操弄及血緣文化/文字等,被一步步「馬華化」(MaHualised)。最後從語言、宗教、王權三位一體的馬來民族性,來看其自內部製造馬來民族的統合性。相對應的,馬華作為方法,從外部如何堅定了馬來民族的特殊向心力。以此回溯馬華身分如何承繼上世紀定居殖民主義遺緒,游離於當下的國土境內/外。經過數十年的離散論述,馬華族群似乎尚待走出一個自怨自艾的悲情自況,而看清自我身分的形塑所代表的意義,或許未來的研究就能衝破離散的視角,並且反過來利用這點,讓國族走入新的篇章。這是一個研究的開端,也是解決自身身分問題現階段的思考。



Minghuan Li 李明欢






A Look into Chinese Communities and the Chinese Immigrant Second Generation: Through Comparison Between Japan and Australia

Junko Tajima 田嶋淳子


This report aims to compare two countries, Japan and Australia, in order to determine their differences regarding the formation of Chinese communities and the issue of education concerning the immigrant second generation.

  Ever since the implementation of the Reform and Opening-up policy in China in 1978, new Chinese communities have been being formed in these two countries. I refer to these communities as Chinese newcomer communities.

  Both Japan and Australia, the focus of this report, restored their respective diplomatic relations with China in 1972. Since the 1980s, both countries have been receiving people from China, a majority of them students. These Chinese newcomers consist mainly of those of middle to high academic backgrounds.

 The social status of the immigrant first generation in their home country and under what qualifications they came to their adopted countries affect adaptation to surroundings by the second generation. This brings about great differences in terms of manifestation of various issues concerning the immigrant second generation in their respective adopted societies. Second-generation immigrants who learn only the language of their adopted society tend to have weak ties with their mother country as well as with their ethnic communities. A study of a Chinese school in Melbourne, Australia, introduced in this report, reveals that the proficiency level of the mother tongue of second-generation immigrants determines their self-identity and the degree of assimilation into their adopted society.

Through various instances and survey results, this study looks into the effects of multicultural policies on second-generation immigrants and the problems arising from the absence of such policies in terms of their outlook for the future.


一带一路背景下离岸文化中心与华人移民 ——兼论华人移民作为文化中介在中美的角色差异

Qing Wu 伍庆



Panel 10: 海外华人与第二次世界大战, 海外华人与冷战/Chinese Overseas and the Second World War, Overseas Chinese and the Cold War



Huanping Zhang 张焕萍





Hee Wai Siam 许维贤





二十世纪新中国外交政策对马来西亚华教发展的研究 (1947-1996)

Zihui Lim 林子慧







Hurng Yu Chen 陳鴻瑜





Yang Lu 路阳




Laifong Leung 梁丽芳


原籍国发生战争的时候,离散侨民是如何回应的呢?方式有很多种,比如筹款捐献,甚至回去参军。本文的宗旨,是探讨在第二次世界大战时,加拿大华人除了上述的回应方式之外,如何利用文学刊物来体现他们的关切和身份认同, 并对这些尘封已久的刊物进行发掘、梳理、和分析。
