Q: I noticed that different websites have cited the conference dates differently. Some have listed as July 6-9, and July 6-10. Your website lists July 6-8. Which is the correct date? 我在几个网站上看到不同的大会日期,请问哪一个才是官方日期?

A: The official conference dates are July 6-8, 2016. Please refer to the official conference website for information. 大会日期是7月6日至8日,详情请浏览官方网页。

Q: On the registration form, what does “Sponsor a Student” mean? 在报名表上,赞助学生是什么意思?

A: We encourage participants to sponsor a student by contributing extra funds to support other student participants. While we encourage participants to contribute sponsorship funds to support needy students, this is not mandatory. Any sponsorship funds received will be split equally amongst student registrants. 我们鼓励参加者自愿提供经费赞助学生参加者。大会所收集的赞助费将平均分给学生参加者。

Q: I will be booking my flights soon. Will there be any post-conference excursions? 我准备预定机票,请问大会有没有安排会后的旅游活动?

A: More information will be available in February 2016. 大会将于2月份陆续公布有关细节。

Q: I submitted my individual paper/ panel proposal but haven’t received my notice of acceptance. Was my paper accepted? 我是投稿者,到目前还没有收到我的通知书。我怎么知道我的文章有没有被接纳?

A: Acceptance letters have been sent out in January via email, email subject “ISSCO 2016 – Letter of Acceptance”. Please check your email inbox, junk mailbox, or Gmail Promotions folders before contacting the organizers. 大会已于1月份以电邮方式把通知发给所有投稿者,标题为 “ISSCO 2016 – Letter of Acceptance”。请检查你的电邮信箱,垃圾邮件或Gmail广告邮件过后再联系本会。

Q: I have submitted my paper as part of a panel, but I haven’t received my acceptance letter. How can I find out if my paper has been accepted? 我是以小组讨论形式投稿,到目前还没有收到我的通知书。我怎么知道我的文章有没有被接纳?

A: Acceptance letters have been sent to your panel organizer (the person who submitted the CFP submission to ISSCO). Please contact your respective panel organizer for information. 大会已把通知发给所有小组的联系人(负责向大会投稿的那一位),请联系你的组长跟进。Should you require an individual acceptance letter, please send an email to issco.2016@ubc.ca 如阁下需要个别的通知书请电邮至 issco.2016@ubc.ca

Q: I need an Invitation Letter to apply for a travel visa. Whom do I contact? 我需要一封邀请函以便申请签证,我应该联系谁?

A: Send an email to issco.2016@ubc.ca 请发电邮至 issco.2016@ubc.ca

Q: Is the conference hotel located at the Vancouver International airport? 大会指定酒店是否位于温哥华国际机场?

A: No, the Sheraton Vancouver Airport Hotel is located in the heart of the City of Richmond, close to public transit, restaurants, and shopping malls. 不是,酒店坐落于列治文市中心,邻近公共交通站,各类商场和餐厅。

Q: Where can I find instructions for submitting full papers? 哪里可以查询有关论文缴交的事宜?

A: Due to the vast number of high-quality submissions we received for this year’s conference, panel discussions will be chaired without formal commentary so as to accommodate more papers. Presenters are no longer required to submit their full papers to the ISSCO conference, but are welcome to share their papers with members of their panels at their own discretion. More information about panel schedules will be available on the conference website by late June. Please contact Josh Chan at <issco.2016@ubc.ca> if you have questions. 由于本会收到总多高质素的论文,为节省时间,专题研讨部分将以 “问答交流” 取代 “主持人评论” 环节。所有论文发表者不需要向大会缴交论文全文。发表者欢迎自行联络阁下的专题研讨小组成员、交流信息。有关专题研讨小组之细节将于6月底开始陆续于网上公布。如阁下有更多疑问,请电邮至陈先生 <issco.2016@ubc.ca> 。

Q: I am still waiting to confirm funding support from my institution. Can I register after the regular registration deadline on April 8th? 我还在等待所属单位之经费审批,我能在正常注册截止日期后注册吗?

A: Late registration will be available online after April 8th at an increased fee. 您可以于4月8日后继续于网上逾期注册,届时收费金额将会提高。